I wonder what, to Mr. Huckabee, would be "God's standards"? Are they as Huckabee said in 1992:
If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague.
Source: Responses to Associated Press Questionnaire for AR Senate Nov 1, 1992
Who else would Mr. Huckabee think should be isolated from the rest of society, according to "God's Standards"? The thing is, any time a person claims to want to change the Constitution to fit "God's Standards," people (including fundamentalist Christians) should be lining up to vote against that particular candidate. Imagine, if you will, Christians, what you would do if a fellow Christian got in office and proceeded to get legislation passed to support his theory of "God's standards" - but he is from a denomination of Christianity that you find abhorrent - or crazy - or deluded. What if his brand of God's standards are in oppostion to your own brand?
How many denominations of Christianity are in this country? Which of those would you want to envorce their religious views on you and your family? What if, for example, Conservative Christians, Mitt Romney, a mormon and a leader in the Republican race for president, attained office? Would you want him to work on rewriting the Constitution to his brand of Christianity? Most conservative Christians think that Mormonism is a cult.
All of you Christians out there who think you'd LIKE to live in a society that promotes a particular brand of Christianity might want to think again. The United States was colonized and later founded as a result of people settling who were afraid and tired of religious persecution. Their brand of Christian was the wrong brand in their respective countries. Now we hear people like Mike Huckaby promising to revise the United States Constitution, which specifically asked for no state interference in religion, and no religious interference in state, to fit his own wild brand of Christianity.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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